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how to start freelancing

How to Start Freelancing In 2023: Complete Guide Student

Being an active social media user, I mostly observed the most ask question while scrolling my social media accounts is about “How to Start Freelancing.” They are continuously in search of getting accurate information regarding the freelancing career.

Luckily most of them are students because they consider Freelancing the best opportunity for earning as a time part work. I agreed with them because it is beneficial for them to earn through Freelancing along with continuing their studies.

Therefore, this blog is going to briefly and accurately answer the question “How to start Freelancing?” Freelancing is something like a business or entrepreneurship. That’s why you must keep in mind that:

  • You are your own Boss
  • Responsible to motivate yourself
  • Only you can keep yourself regular
  • You must reward and punish yourself for your own performance

Before moving on to the main topic you should know about freelancing and freelancer. So, let me explain these first.

What is freelancing?

Interestingly, freelancing turns into a fast-growing industry that almost covers each aspect of business and entrepreneurship. This widely growing industry not only contributes to national economies but also greatly contributes to the Global Economy.

However, freelancing can be explained as self-employment working or online working through offering different services to clients and businesses directly throughout the world. The freelancing industry is progressing successfully day by day.

Amazingly, the freelancing industry’s success is mostly based on the different online freelance marketplaces. These online freelance marketplaces act as a bridge between service buyers and sellers (the clients or businesses and freelancers).

Who are freelancers?

In simple words, a freelancer does freelancing. However, a freelancer is an individual who is self-employed and sells services online with the help of online freelancing marketplaces and other online platforms.

Amazingly, freelancers work at their own ease, according to their expertise or skills, and sets their own price. That’s why freelancing is considered the best opportunity for students because it doesn’t have any limitation on working hours, pricing, and other job-related issues.

Interestingly, a freelancer works like an entrepreneur, businessman, or independent contractor. And actually, they can be an entrepreneur, businessman, or independent contractor through doing freelancing consistently.

The answer to “How to start Freelancing”

So, let’s move on to the main topic of starting a freelance journey and to answer the question “How to start Freelancing”. You just need to follow these steps to start the freelancing career as a student by doing part-time work or can be a source of full-time work for employment seekers.

1) Identify your skills that match your interest

Identify your skills that match your interest

The first and foremost important thing in the freelance journey is knowing about your skills and expertise that must be matched with your interest. If your interest, skills, or expertise will be mismatched with your offered services then how you can be able to bring creativity or innovation to your work?

Why it is so Important to Know about Your Skills and Expertise?

It is important to know about your skills and expertise to accurately decide about your services. Because there are a lot of domains or niches in the freelancing industry such as writing, designing, bookkeeping, digital marketing, development, data entry, and many more. So, how will you start if you are not sure about your Skills and Expertise?

Therefore, let me share some top demanding skills in the Freelancing industry. Here is the list

  • Graphics Designing
  • Content Writing
  • Website Development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Mobile App Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Data Entry
  • Software Development
  • Video Creation
  • Animations
  • WordPress
  • React Native
  • Angular JS
  • And many more other skills

NOTE: If you have any trouble in deciding about your skills then read this blog to identify your skills and talents 3 ways to uncover your talents & skills

Read More: It’s an interesting quiz that helps you in knowing about your skills Take this Quiz and Enjoy it Skills Quiz

2) Learn that skill

Learn the identified skill deeply after completing the first step, which is I thought the most difficult one in starting the freelance career. Nowadays, learning something becomes more easy and free for all.

Because there are hundreds of YouTube Channels, Online Courses, and Bloggers that are providing free content and videos to learn a specific skill or technical things. You just need to schedule your time for learning.

Interestingly, you can also take help from your friends’ circle, family, and can ask for an expert person on social media accounts. So, learning things is easily and freely available to you across the world.

For example, if you want to learn Graphic designing you just need to install designing software first like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, or name any. Then you can search out for a YouTube channel to find the best mentors to learn designing or you can read a blog that uncovers different potential or best Sites for learning Designing.

Like This Freely Learn Graphic Designing Online; Best Part-Time Job Opportunity for Students.

3) Practice that skill at a local level

After learning a decent amount of things you need to start practicing them with local clients. Because Practice Makes a Man Perfect. When you will start practicing at a local level you will an idea about your learning and skill level.

Moreover, you will also know about the things clients need and demand. Now you will get a better idea about your skill level and learning level. Whether you need to learn more and you just need to practice more.

Therefore, if you didn’t find any local client then you must offer your services within your family and friends circle for getting experience and to make the portfolio. So, it’s up to You how can you search for clients to practice your skills.

NOTE: One key thing here is that you must also identify your Unique Selling Points while Practicing. Because it will answer the “Why a client should hire your services? So, identify your Unique Selling Points and communicate them with your clients to win a job.

Don’t worry if somebody takes your services at a cheap price at this level, because it’s just a learning or practice phase. Do it and learn from it.

4) Create a Portfolio

Create a Portfolio
A Designers Portfolio

However, working with local clients not only helps you in practicing your skills but also assists you in creating a portfolio of your skills. Because in the freelancing industry Portfolio matters a lot for a freelancer.

A portfolio Showcase your Skills and Talents.

Because clients or buyers made their selection decision based on the portfolio. So, you must create an attractive portfolio for grabbing opportunities in the freelance marketplaces.

Therefore, you must search out for online sources that help you in creating portfolios online for example:

  • Behance is the best place for creating a portfolio for designers.
  • WordPress is the best place for Website Developers
  • Blogging Websites or Bloggers are the best places for content writers to showcase their writing talents with their name

5) Learn communication skills to communicate effectively and internationally

Till here you have almost completed a milestone in starting a freelance career. Now it’s time to evaluate your communication skills. If your communication skills will be effective and perfect you have a greater chance of winning jobs in freelancing.

That’s why here you need to evaluate your communication skills. Because Communication Skills matter a lot in communicating at the international level. You must understand what your Buyer Wants and How you can satisfy her/him to ensure that you are the best person for that job.

So, if your communication skills are not strong you need to focus on them.

6) Explore the international freelance marketplace

Luckily, now you are fully equipped to move towards the international freelance marketplace to sell your services and earn a decent amount. So, here you need to search out the best freelance marketplace that has a greater scope in the context of your skills.

For example, if you are a designer the most suitable place can be Design99. Moreover, there are hundreds of freelance marketplace that connect buyers and sellers in the best way.

Therefore, I am sharing some top freelance marketplaces at the international level:

Read More:  Check out this blog to explore more than hundreds of Freelance Marketplaces 101 Websites To Earn Money

7) Explore and Learn about the Chosen Freelance Marketplace

It’s up to your choice which freelance Marketplace you have chosen for selling your services as a freelancer. However, you must choose consciously and effectively to grab more opportunities. Not all Freelance Marketplaces follow a single algorithm.

That’s why you need to learn about the chosen one by exploring the algorithm of getting a job successfully. Because there are thousands of people selling the same service that you have chosen to sell.

Therefore, to compete in the competition you need to know about the tips and tricks of the chosen freelance marketplace. No need to worry about it because Google And YouTube are full of tutorials and content that guides you about it in the best way.

To get a better idea Read this: Start Selling on Fiverr

8) Keep Your Skills Updated through Learning

Surprisingly, another important thing is to sustain your competitive edge within the freelance marketplace. Your today must be better and progressive than yesterday. And it is only possible when you keep your skills updated.

That’s why you must continue your learning phase throughout your life because all the time things are getting change. New methods, applications, process, and knowledge are emerging day-by-day that changes the way of doing things.

In the same way, in the last, five to ten years freelancing is not a well-known field but now everybody knows about it. It just happens because of the newly emerging tools and techniques. So, here the purpose is that you just need to keep yourself informed and updated related to your skill to sustain your position within the market.  

Happily, I hope so now you have got the answer to Question “How to Start Freelancing.” No doubt, following these steps will definitely assist you in your freelance career. If you have still any Questions then Write Us in the comment section or send feedback. I will get back to You Soon.

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2 thoughts on “How to Start Freelancing In 2023: Complete Guide Student”

  1. Pingback: Learn To Make Money Online: 10 Best Websites for Students -

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