Over Screen Time Negative Impacts On Students And Adults

Over Screen Time Negative Impacts On Students And Adults

Over Screen Time

Over Screen Time is quite harmful to students. It leaves negative impacts on their physical and mental health. Along with this, it causes damages to their personal development such as personality, behavior, career, and so on.

Before, moving to the main topic I would like to share the recommended screen time for students of different ages. Let’s have a look:

  • For babies, less than 1 year of age no screen time is recommended.
  • More than one year to 2 years of babies are preferred for less time (for less than one hour or for a half an hour) they can use.
  • However, 3 to 4 years old can use only for one hour.
  • 8 to 14 years of children can only use the screen for one to two hours.
  • 15 to 18 years can spend two to three hours but still, they should use it one to two hours.

Negative Impacts of Over Screen Time

Therefore, if your child is using more screen time than the recommended screen time. Then it will lead to the negative impacts as mentioned below. These negative impacts of over screen time using are just explaining for your information and to warn students or kids to avoid it to avoid the negative consequences of it.

So, have a look at these negative impacts on students:

Screen time and Educational issues

Nowadays screen time has become a big problem for parents. They don’t know how to handle this problem. Because it increased day by day in their school going kids, which is really very harmful to them.

It has a bad impact on their education. Students are unable to full fill the requirements of the homework and studies. Because they have less time for studies. Therefore, by spending their most of time on smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc., and lacks interest in studies. As a result, they have low grades in school. And parents are disappointed badly.

 Screen time and obesity

Too much time utilizing on screen is a big risk of obesity. This is increased badly in school going children and also a big risk of diabetes. The overuse of media like television, video games, computers, and so on leads to obesity in children.

Those children who spend most of the time playing video games and watching media create so many health issues like weight gain or obesity. However, those children who spend their time in physical activities, are smart enough and healthy.

Sleep problems

Over screen time is a big problem we all know, it also affects our sleep. Students are unable to sleep well when they are using screens at night time. Parents should restrict their children by not allowing phones or screens 1 hour before sleeping. Read a book instead of using an electronic device.

In this way, they can feel relax and can sleep easily. The blue light of your phone affected your mental health. It is really bad for your brain. Even just one check disturbs your brain. That’s why before sleeping take your phones away from the children for the sake of their health. If Children can sleep well, it will increase their focus on their studies.

Screen time and violence

When children constantly spend their time watching TV. They also learn violent acts on TV which are really bad for them.  As a result, they become so aggressive. Children build a scary image about the world that is not good for their life.

They thought the world is really scary all around and something bad will happen. Some TV shows badly affecting their behavior like making them aggressive, angry, and encourage violence.

Screen time addiction

Screen time addiction increased badly in children, they wanted to spend their most of time on electronic media. As a result, they become addicted badly. Parents should impose some limits on school-going children by limiting it.

To reduce their time give them some tasks for physical activities, read good books, toys, sports, etc.  In this way, their interest would be diverted from electronic devices to healthy physical activities.

Learning problems

By using over screen time children might be disabled of attention. It can also contribute to learning disabilities. When children are addicted to Smartphone’s they think everything is on the internet so no need to go anywhere for learning.

Therefore, it affects children’s physical and emotional health that is long-lasting. Under the age of three, the development is starting fastly. So, a child who is busy on phone all the time how he/she will learn and experience everyday activities.

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Communication problems

Misuse or excessive use of technology is harmful to all. Technology is badly and negatively impacting the quality of conversation of children with their family and friends. If children use their electronic devices all the time they are unable to communicate with others in a better way.

So, they are unable to learn how to express their emotions. Because they don’t know nor do they experience it by communication (due to lack of communication process). So, as a result, excessive use impact negatively their speech and communication skills.

That’s was all about the negative impacts of over screen time. Therefore, there is another interesting blog about the tips and tricks to reduce kids’ screen time. So, don’t forget to read it. School Kids Screen Time: The Best Tips For Healthy Use

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