the purpose of image is to explain the importance of communication skills visually

Top 9 Skills Needed to Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication skill is a king skill that can be used to get a top position in your field either you are involved in public dealing or you are doing some labor or anything else. Therefore, is the basic need of every profession. And you can impress every person through your positive attitude and good talking skills. So, basically, communication skills contain five things. These are verbal, non-verbal, writing, talking skills, and body language at last but not least.

So, Body language is something that expresses your feelings, nervousness, and confidence level. However, You might have seen in movies where a culprit is kept in a narrow cell and is inquired by various questions and is observed through a window and his body language is observed keenly. Because it tells either he/she speaking the truth or lying.

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9 Communication Skills You must Improve

So, if you want to improve communication skills follow these Skills :

1. Make communication a priority

Take classes, read books, magazine articles or learn from successful communicators around you. Seek a mentor or coach.

2. Simplify and stay on message

You must be stick to your purpose. It will help you in making your communication attractive and understandable.

3. Use simple, straightforward language

Moreover, Engage your listeners or readers. Draw your listeners and readers into the conversation. Ask questions and invite opinions. Solicit their feedback.

4. Take time to respond

After you’ve listened (and understood) take time to “draft” in your head what you want to say.

the image shows how thinking and communication skills are linked

5. Make sure you are understood

Don’t blame the other person for not understanding. Instead, look for ways to clarify or rephrase what you are trying to say so it can be understandable.

6. Develop your listening skills, too

The best communicators are almost always the best listeners. Listen without judgment and don’t be distract by thinking about what you want to say next. Then, respond, not react.

 7. Body language is important

In the same way, Studies show that 65% of all communication is non-verbal. So, Watch for visual signs that your listener understands, agrees, or disagrees with your message. And be aware that your body is sending signals, too.

8. Maintain eye contact

Whether speaking to a crowd or one-on-one, maintaining eye contact builds credibility and demonstrates you care about your listeners.

9. Respect your audience

Recognize your message is not just about you or what you want. Therefore, You should sincerely care about the needs and the unique perspectives of those to whom you are communicating. So, one of the best ways to show your respect is simply by paying attention to what they say.

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Best Books to Improve Your Communication

You can check our detailed blog  “5 The Best Books to Improve Your Communication Skills”. However, if you have less time then you can quickly check it here. These are some books that are considered the best books for improving your communication skills.

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