What is Career counseling?
The career development process of your life starts soon after your birth. However, you don’t know at that time. Therefore, Career Counseling is a process that helps us to understand which field is better for us and, which skills to be polished for successful career building.
Who is a Career Counselor?
A Career Counselor is a person who holds a master’s degree and has skills in counseling techniques. Moreover, they are well aware of theories, interpretations, assessments of career information and career development.

Characteristics of Career Counseling
Career Counselor will help You In:
- Help you to identify who are you and what you want out of your education, polish your skills, and identify your interest(s) in a specific field of career.
- Counselors’ can help you discover your abilities and achieve your goals.
- Counselors also help you to find other great information around what schooling is best for you according to your abilities, interest, and values.
- Help you locate resources and sources of career information according to your budget.
- Help you to determine future steps for career development and make a plans to achieve your goals.
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Why You need Career Counseling?
The most important step of counseling where people first gather all information about their selected career, then works on it and helps them to decide on a permanent career according to their skills, abilities, desire, and interest. So, the counselor advises you and gives information about what type of job you could do or how they could progress to a better job.
Benefits of Taking Career Advice:
Explores Career and Know Yourself
- Frequent meetings with a counselor enable you to recognize your value as a professional, find a new job, get a promotion, or just get advice concerning work-related issues from an expert.
- It allows you to identify the interest and knowledge, skills, and abilities so that you know which career path is best suited to your values.
- Career counseling helps to cover all the characteristics of a job and also gives some tricks and tips that will lead us to make the right choice.
- Career counseling helps to choose the best career for you according to your interest.
- Everyone, be it a student or alumni, should get counselor services (within the campus or as outsourced). It is rather important to get counseling at the earliest stage to deliberately take the best decisions for the career.
Setup a Long-Term Goal
Your career decision should be very clear. You have to focus on your long-term goals.
Focus on your Hobbies & Extracurricular Activities
Your hobbies and extracurricular activities also help you to choose the right career development for you.
For example, if you’ve been a member of your college book club or a writing group, editorials committee, etc a career pathway like liberation, professional writing, the content creator can be among choices. Go through your college activities and reflect on how much you’ve liked/disliked each extracurricular activity – you might be surprised with what you discover.
Make your Likes and Dislikes list
Your mind will be clear about what you like or dislike quite efficiently. In order to make a list of likes and dislikes but all likes on one paper and dislikes on another paper and simply write down the things you are grateful for and their opposites. If you like to spend time negotiating with people of different world issues, but that in the positive or likeness list.
If you dislike traveling to work every day, put it in the negative. This type of self-reflection is extremely important in figuring out your future career path, as well as for discovering personal development opportunities.
Listen to your Professor or Mentor advice
Always listen to your elders, peers, and teachers and compare their advice to your long term goals for the successful future to figure out the best course of action
Look Beyond your Degree
Academic degrees exist to help us determine the career path we will take in the future – they do not serve as shackles that bind us. Explore your career development options and get the expertise- you would have interesting choices and opportunities in the future.
Best Books for Career Counseling:
Do You Read Books or You are a Book Lover?
Luckily, if you love to read Books. Then let me suggest some Amazon Books to You for Readings related to career counselling. So, Here they are:
- What Color Is Your Parachute? 2020: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Ten Speed Press
- The Career Counselor’s Handbook by Ten Speed Press
- Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One by Portfolio
- Designing Your Life: Build a Life that Works for You by Chatto & Windus
Online Career Counsellor in Pakistan
EduVision is consider as one of the Best career counselling website in Pakistan. You can get an online Career Counselling section with them. Click the Link to Open the Website EduVision. Moreover, you can also check the website of MeraFuture for taking any Aptitude Test
Moreover, you can also Text Us if You Need any Career Counselling Related to Your Studies and Career.
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