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you are badass book review

You Are a Badass Book: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness

Introduction: You Are A Badass Book

Loving yourself and believing in yourself is a journey that can sometimes be difficult. We all have limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and doubts that hold us back from achieving our full potential. But what if you could break free of these mental blocks? That’s exactly what Jen Sincero’s book You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life seeks to do.

The book offers readers a practical and friendly approach to eliminating self-doubt, fears, and limiting beliefs. Sincero combines stories from her life with actionable exercises that help readers identify what’s holding them back and encourage them to confidently move forward.

Jen Sincero offers 27 bite-sized chapters in this book brimming with funny and motivational stories, wise counsel, loving yet firm reprimands, and simple exercises to help you love yourself and lead an amazing life.

About The Author

Jen Sincero is a New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker, and success coach. She has helped countless people become their own life coaches, and her mission is to make self-love and self-confidence accessible to everyone.

Short Summary Of The Book

You can imagine the importance of this book that more than five million copies were sold worldwide. This book helps people to break the cycle of self-loathing and doubt, encouraging readers to find their inner greatness and lead an awesome life. “You Are A Badass” introduces the groundbreaking self-help sensation that has captivated millions with its unique blend of humor, raw honesty, and the occasional expletive – now celebrating its 10th anniversary with a brand-new foreword, reader’s guide, and more exclusive content!

In this brilliantly engaging guide to transforming your life, acclaimed author and globe-trotting success coach Jen Sincero delivers 27 bite-sized chapters brimming with laugh-out-loud anecdotes, wisdom-infused advice, and loving yet assertive nudges to help you:

  • Uncover and eradicate the self-destructive beliefs and habits holding you back.
  • Shift your energy to magnetize your desires.
  • Design a life you’re head-over-heels in love with – and start living it NOW.
  • Finally, make serious money, the kind you’ve only dreamed of.

By the time you finish “You Are a Badass,” you’ll have the insights and tools to shatter your limitations, embrace transformation, and start living the extraordinary life you once thought was out of reach.

Important Lessons from You Are a Badass

Are you Loving yourself?

It is the first step to achieving success, and this book provides valuable advice on how to do just that. Imagine what our world would be like if everyone loved themselves so much that they weren’t threatened by other people’s opinions or skin colors or sexual preferences or talents or education or possessions or lack of possessions or religious beliefs or customs or general tendency to just be whoever the hell they are.

It’s one of the key lessons readers learn in You Are A Badass. It also helps you recognize your potential and teaches you how to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

However, to know more about the themes of love, self-confidence, and healing and to analyze your own thinking patterns you should read Rupi Kaur’s book “Milk And Honey.”

You are responsible for what you say and do

You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it. What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Never apologize for who you are. It lets the whole world down. You are loved. Massively. Ferociously. Unconditionally. The Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It’s got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration.

It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you. Because if you base your self-worth on what everyone else thinks of you, you hand all your power over to others and become dependent on a source outside of yourself for validation. Then you wind up chasing after something you have no control over, and should that something suddenly place its focus somewhere else or change its mind and decide you’re no longer very interesting, you end up with a full-blown identity crisis.

Even an Imperfect looking self can be Perfect

We are all imperfect, and it’s OK. Stop dwelling on the physical aspects of yourself that you’d like to change and start focusing on what makes you unique and special. That is where your true beauty lies. You are perfect.

To think anything less is as pointless as a river, thinking it has too many curves, moves too slowly, or rapids too rapidly. You’re on a journey with no defined beginning, middle, or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as you can be. This is why you’re here.

We are all perfect in our own magnificent ways. Laugh at yourself. Love yourself and others. Rejoice in the cosmic ridiculousness. Follow what feels good at the moment, every moment, and it will lead you through a most excellent life. Your life is your party. You get to choose how you invite people, experiences, and things into it.

Let the Bad Things Go

There’s no such thing as failure. There are only results. Think of every misstep in your life as a stepping stone to success. Holding on to bad feelings and experiences harms you and everyone around you and prevents you from enjoying your life fully. If you choose to enjoy your life, you have to let the bad things go. Take care of yourself as if you’re the most awesome person you’ve ever met. If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.

So often, we pretend we’ve made a decision when what we’ve really done is signed up to try until it gets too uncomfortable. We only get to be in our bodies for a limited time; why not celebrate the journey instead of merely riding it out until it’s over? Nobody who accomplished anything big or new or worth raising a celebratory fist in the air did it from their comfort zone. They risked ridicule and failure and sometimes even death.

Sometimes these things became habits because of doing them regularly. In case of having such habits you can take help from the “Atomic Habits Book” to replace bad habits with good ones.

Take Calculated Risk To Become Qualified

So often, when we say we’re unqualified for something, we’re really saying that we’re too scared to try it, not that we can’t do it. A day comes when the risk of remaining tight in a bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom. Maybe, if you put your disbelief aside, roll up your sleeves, take some risks, and totally go for it, you’ll wake up one day and realize you’re living the kind of life you used to be jealous of. There’s nothing as unstoppable as a freight train full of hell-yeah.

Live In The Moment

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. So don’t worry about what happened in the past or what the future is keeping for you. And do not waste your precious time giving one single crap about what anybody else thinks of you. Love yourself, take care of yourself, and enjoy your life fully. Believe that you are the greatest and most awesome person in the world. By the time you are done reading, You Are a Badass, you’ll know how to break through whatever is keeping you from moving forward, make some significant adjustments, and begin living the kind of life that once seemed unattainable.


You Are a Badass book contains important lessons, loving yet firm reprimands, humor, and simple exercises to help you love yourself and lead an amazing life. It helps you recognize your potential and teaches you how to take action when the opportunity presents itself. At the end of it, you will believe in yourself, your power, and your potential and be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Remember to never apologize for who you are, live in the moment, take calculated risks and let the bad things go. You are perfect just as you are – absolutely unique and special. So move forward and enjoy your life to the fullest!

You can use this book to help you gain the confidence, creativity, and courage to finally start taking steps toward living your dream life. And if you need some guidance along the way, remember that the Universe is freaking out about how awesome you are. You’ve got this!

You can do anything you set your mind to!

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