BAck to Basics book review

Back to Basics Book Review: A Guide to Traditional Skills

Overview Of Back To Basic Book

The young, beautiful, and talented Abigail Gehring has compiled a complete guide to traditional skills and activities that will help you get out of your comfort zone and into the outdoors. If you’re looking to embrace the essential life skills of our ancestors and adapt them for a better, more sustainable life in the 21st century, look no further than the full-color guide, Back to Basics.

This comprehensive resource has inspired countless readers to step back from the fast-paced modern world and rediscover the joys and challenges of a healthier, greener, and more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Back to Basics is filled with hundreds of projects, step-by-step sequences, photographs, charts, and illustrations that will teach you a wide range of skills, such as dyeing wool with plant pigments, grafting trees, raising chickens, crafting a hutch table using hand tools, and making delicious treats like blueberry peach jam and cheddar cheese. For those with loftier ambitions, the book even provides instructions on building a log cabin or an adobe brick homestead.

But Back to Basics is more than just a practical guide; it’s also a source of inspiration for dreamers. Even if you live in a city apartment, you’ll find your imagination ignited by the possibility of creating a loom and weaving a rag rug, for example. The book also offers tips for old-fashioned fun, including square dancing calls, homemade toys, and kayaking adventures, making it perhaps the most comprehensive book on voluntary simplicity available.

So whether you’re seeking hands-on instruction or simply yearning for a simpler way of life, Back to Basics is the perfect companion for your journey toward a more self-sufficient and fulfilling lifestyle.

About The Author

Abigail R. Gehring is a talented writer and editor responsible for numerous books on rural living skills, culinary arts, and baking. She takes pleasure in writing, gardening, culinary experimentation, and quality time with her loved ones. Abigail resides in southern Vermont with her husband and two children, where they are passionately restoring an 1800s farmhouse to its former glory.

Book Structure

The book is divided into six parts that follow the journey of a homesteader, from ground buying and making to recreation at home and in the wild. Every section includes pertinent information on tools and techniques, as well as sources for further exploration. Let’s have a deep look into the structure of the book:

Part 1: Land: Buying It__Building On It

Part one of the book explains a lot about the ancient skills and knowledge required to buy, build, and maintain the land. It covers topics such as buying country property, Raising a Barn, Fireplace construction and design, water management, pest control, fences, creating a homestead from scratch, and much more.

These topics are broken down into chapters for easy reference and understanding. By following Abigail’s simple instructions, you can become an experienced landowner in no time.

Part 2: Energy From Wood, Water, Wind, and Sun

An interesting section of the book is all about creating different forms of energy and how to use them in your everyday life. Abigail explains how to make your house energy efficient and how to make use of renewable energy sources such as wood, water, wind, and sun.

This section covers topics such as Solar Water Distillation, Fuel Cell Design & Construction, Wind Turbine Design & Construction, Wood Stove Design & Construction, and even how to make your own Biodiesel Fuel.

Part 3: Raising Your Own Vegetables, Fruit, And Livestock

Part 3 of the book is all about growing your own vegetables, fruits, and livestock. In this section, Abigail covers topics such as organic gardening, seed saving, animal husbandry (including raising livestock for meat and dairy production), beekeeping, mushroom cultivation, and more.

The book includes directions on the kitchen garden and managing gardening in limited space. You will also find detailed instructions on implementing the instructions in the book and advice on how to prepare for winter.

Part 4: Enjoying Your Harvest The Year Round

Part 4 of the book is all about enjoying your harvest in the form of delicious, healthy dishes. Abigail explains some interesting processes to save healthy and yummy food year-round. It covers topics like preserving produce, meat, and fish, making own dairy products, maple sugaring, homemade beverages, baking bread, regional cooking, and cooking with wood.

Part 5: Skills And Crafts For House And Homestead

So, here we are at the most interesting part of the book. This section covers traditional skills and crafts, including natural dyes, spinning wool, hooked rugs, woodworking, broom making, metalworking, household recipes, stenciling, soapmaking, candlemaking, carpentry, blacksmithing, basketry homestead tools and equipment, and even weaving.

These are the most favorite chapters, as they include detailed directions, photographs, and illustrations that will help you in making your own traditional crafts.

Part 6: Recreation at Home And In The Wild

The last part of the book is all about recreation. It covers topics like primitive fishing, old-time good times, crafting a dulcimer, celebrating holidays, canoeing and kayaking, wilderness camping, outdoors in winter, and living with nature. Each topic is explained in detail and includes information on how to plan your trip, what gear you will need, necessary safety precautions, and other useful tips.

In conclusion, Back to Basics offers a comprehensive guide for those looking to reconnect with nature and practice more self-sufficient living. From raising chickens to making soap or weaving rugs – this book has it all. Abigail R. Gehring’s expertise and enthusiasm make this an invaluable resource for anyone looking to simplify their life and get back to basics.

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Concluding Remarks

Back to Basics by Abigail R. Gehring is a comprehensive book for anyone looking to reconnect with nature and practice more self-sufficient living. From buying and building land, creating energy from wood, water, wind, and sun, raising vegetables, fruit, and livestock, preserving food year-round, and making traditional crafts — the book covers it all with detailed instructions that make it easy to understand and follow. The book will be a great resource for anyone looking to simplify their life and get back to basics. So pick up your copy of Back to Basics today, and start living the simpler life you’ve always wanted!

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